President - Julia S

Julia is our President for 2021-22. She is in tech & as President she responsible for the Ulm English club.

VP Education - Michael B

Michael is an Engineer & looks after the members training

VP Membership - Caroline M

Caroline is a teacher at a local school. She is the person to go to for all new members for forms and paperwork.

VP PR - Sharon K

Sharon is an American living in Ulm. She is partly responsible for our website content and public relations.

Finance - Michael W

Michael is an IT expert. He takes care of paying our yearly dues to the head office and ensuring that we have a nice room to meet in.

Secretary - Daniel T

Daniel is a teacher at a local school. He takes care of Meeting minutes and other Miscellaneous Items.

Seargent at Arms - Georg E

Georg is a medical practitioner. He is responsible for setting up our room every meeting and ensuring our room is an ideal condition for an inspirational meeting.